This week is all about FASCIA. When you understand the benefits of healthy fascia, you have just unlocked the secret to a pain-free, injury-free, and leak-free mombody that will serve you well for the rest of your life. One thing to note: avoiding sugar is a great way to reduce inflammation but it is also amazing for the health of your fascia. Think of it this way, what happens when you spill sugar on your counter and it gets wet? It turns into a sticky mess! This same thing happens in your fascia - the more you eat sugar, the “stickier” your fascia becomes. And when your fascia is sticky, it won’t glide and slide as easily, causing weird pains and adhesions. Think of your fascia the next time you want to eat that pizza or brownie!

Day 1:

Workout: BAB Jumping Jacks (3 sets of ten). These jumping jacks train your mombody core and pelvic floor for long-term health. Foam Rolling for Sciatica

Day 2:

Workout: BAB Jumping Jacks (3 sets of 10). These jumping jacks train your mombody core and pelvic floor for long-term health. Foam Rolling for Sciatica

DAY 3:

DAY 4:

DAY 5:

DAY 6:

All week we’ve been massaging and hydrating your fascia - now try dry brushing to “clean out” your mombody after all your hard work. Fascia work and dry brushing compliment each other perfectly! Dry Brush Video

DAY 7:

All week we’ve been massaging and hydrating your fascia. Now, try dry brushing to “clean out” your mombody after all your hard work. Fascia work and dry brushing compliment each other perfectly! Dry Brush Video